Sunday, March 8, 2009

General update - iPhone Apps

As shown from the pie chart each of the apps performs differently in the percentage of sales made, the iSpot The American Football has just been launched and is gathering pace, I like to give an even amount of attention to all the projects, it's a joy to see them constantly improve.

Thank you for all your emails on the various apps and I will try and fit in as many of the suggested improvements as I can over the coming weeks/months.

The next couple of weeks will have some small updates on the current apps as well as completing the iSpot The Ball series of games.  After this you can expect some more major improvements across all the projects. 

Personal Best - App update coming soon

This app is currently undergoing some enhancements to allow more details to be added, initially this will include the ability to alter the title labels with many other changes over the coming weeks/months. 

iSpot The Cricket Ball - In development

The next and final in the iSpot game series will be iSpot The Cricket Ball.

This is currently in development and is due to be published to Apple next week.

This will complete the current series of iSpot The Ball games.   A nice round to a series of sports I love and O very much hope you enjoy playing them.  If there are any sports you'd like to see included in the future then please drop me an email.

iSpot The Base Ball - Submitted

The third in a series of four has been submitted to Apple and this time it comes in the form of Baseball, pending approval this will hopefully be on sale in the next couple of weeks.

About Me

Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
My name is Jason Savage, a 37 year old developer who has a passion for software development of all shapes and sizes. Over 10 years experience writing everything from financial software to Intelligence software for the police.